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Give your building or outdoor area a makeover by use of our pressure cleaning service!


Getting High on Maintenance can blast away months of built up dirt and can reach high access areas via abseiling.


















This can be done along with your window cleaning service or separately.

• Driveways & Walkways
• Buildings & Balconies
• Windows & Screens 
Pressure Cleaning


Pressure Cleaning




Do you struggle with maintaining air-conditioners located on ledges? The challenging access to these units makes regular maintenance a difficult task, leading to rust and decreased effectiveness due to salt exposure from ocean breezes.


Getting High on Maintenance offers a service to completely respray and apply marine grade oil to these air-conditioning units, preventing clogging, corrosion and extra unnecessary costs. We can make your old condenser unit look like new again and stop that unsightly rust from staining your walls and ledges. We can re-gas and service the air-conditioning unit to keep it working effectively and efficiently.


We also provide air conditioner installation & replacement. 


Air Conditioner Repairs Gold Coast



Bird spikes are an effective, long-lasting, and low-maintenance bird control solution. They are commonly used on buildings to prevent all kinds of birds from nesting or dropping on surfaces.

The spikes are not harmful to birds, but they are very uncomfortable and daunting. They prevent birds from landing on surfaces, making them effective wherever they are installed.

Bird Spikes Gold Coast

They are designed with the spikes pointing directly upwards to prevent birds from moving across the base.


Anti-bird spikes act as an impenetrable barrier to birds, preventing them from landing or roosting on ledges or gutters. The intelligent design makes them suitable for nearly every situation where bird spikes are needed. The narrow base allows for application to almost any surface.


The polycarbonate base and stainless steel spikes have a long life expectancy. The base is UV protected, safeguarding against cracking or breaking due to prolonged exposure to sunlight.


These spikes are less visible to the human eye than plastic ones because they do not reflect sunlight and attract less dirt.


What causes hard water stains?


  1. Sprinkler systems spraying hard water onto glass.

  2. Hosing concrete paths where lime bounces up onto glass.

  3. Lime leaching out of cement from buildings onto glass.

  4. Silica leaching out of seals onto lower sheets of glass.

  5. Iron leaching out of metal fly screens onto glass.

  6. Spots or water left to dry on shower screens or non-squeegeed glass.


Glass Stain Types – Definitions

Sprinkler Stain: This stain is caused by a sprinkler system placed too close to the glass, resulting in regular water contact. These stains can also be developed from wind that blows the water on the glass over a period of time. The minerals in the water, such as calcium, salts, or magnesium, cause most sprinkler stains.


Condensation Stain: This stain is caused by water collecting under the first few inches of a window frame along the top. The sun does not evaporate the morning dew and over time this can cause a stain.


Building Run-off Stain: Minerals from building materials such as limestone, Portland cement, brick or other materials leach onto the glass surface after rains, causing this stain.


Chemical Stain: This type of stain results from chemical residue in cleaning solutions left to dry on the surface or a reaction from the application of certain chemicals.


Glass Stain Removal


Standard cleaning involves washing all glass surfaces with a brush/scrubber using a soap solution and then removing the solution with a squeegee. This process is not expected to remove paint, sealants or glass stain damage, (reprint from the International Window Cleaning Association, Glass Stains Seminar).


Glass stain removal is not part of the standard window cleaning service. This is because it requires a significant amount of time and the use of specific chemicals to address the issue. Asking a window-cleaning contractor to remove stains as part of a standard cleaning is like expecting to remove plaque by brushing your teeth after a year.

The lack of a regular maintenance program can cause minerals and chemicals to etch or build up on the glass surface, potentially resulting in permanent damage. Various factors can contribute to this condition, such as sprinkler system overspray, water runoff from building design, condensation, and improper chemical application from prior stain removal attempts.

The cost of stain removal can be substantial, but it is much less than the cost of replacing the glass. Often, the full extent of the damage and the price of removal cannot be determined until a Standard Cleaning is performed and viewed by the customer and the window-cleaning contractor.


GETTING HIGH ON MAINTENANCE will inspect the project with the customer to confirm the stains and perform free tests in agreed-upon areas to determine the extent to which they can be removed.


Glass Stain Removal Gold Coast


To book any of these services, please request a quote or contact us for more information: 
Window Cleaning
Pressure Cleaning
Anchor Installations & Tests
Concrete Repairs
Window Sealing
Solar Panel Cleaning
Vertical Garden Maintenance
Nanokote Glass & Ceramic Coatings


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